Bunions – Identification and Causes
Foot problems manifest in a host of ways. From debilitating pain to swelling or even a dull ache, you are bound to experience an issue with your foot at one point or another in your life. However, some people are under the misassumption that it will go away on its own so they take their foot problems lightly. In truth, left undeterred, what started a minor problem will eventually get worse, and you could end up needing surgical intervention.
One issue that should not be ignored is the development of bunions. If you do not visit a podiatrist as soon as a bunion starts forming, your only resort could end up being surgery. Read on for how to identify a bunion on your foot as well as learn about the causes so you can pre-emptively prevent his issue from developing.
How do you identify a bunion?
Bunions typically appear on your big toe, particularly at the base. They initially look like an innocuous bump and sometimes are confused with a callus or a corn. However, calluses and corns form on parts of your feet that are usually exposed to repetitive friction. Hence, the calluses and corns are made up of dead, dry skin that becomes hard to the touch.
While calluses and corns are painless, bunions are painful. Moreover, since your big toe bears the most of the weight of your body, constant pressure on the bunion can impede the movement of the big toe and eventually affect how you walk. It is critical to see a podiatrist immediately when you notice a bunion forming so that its growth is slowed down or surgery will have to be performed.
What are the causes of bunions?
One of the primary reasons why you could be vulnerable to the development of bunions is if you are already predisposed to this condition since it can be hereditary in some families. If you are aware of it being persistent in your family, it is recommended to visit a podiatrist before you get one so that you can be advised on measures of preventing it.
The second reason why you could develop a bunion is if you have acquired a foot injury that affects either the shape of your big toe or the foot itself. If you recently have had a foot injury, be sure to investigate the progress of the damaged foot in comparison to the healthy one. Any changes to its shape should trigger a visit to a podiatrist before you develop a bunion.
The third reason why you could be at risk of developing a bunion is if you have a pre-existing health condition. Diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis lead to inflammation that subsequently moves the big toe out of place and increases the chances of a bunion developing.
For more information, contact a podiatrist.